Munich - here I come ...
Back in Germany!! Buahh ... it is sooo bloody freezing cold outside. Can someone please send me a hot chocolate or some sunshine?!
But let?s start from the beginning ... Most of the people will be quite shocked to hear, that I am back in Germany. Yes I am ... It was most of the time kind of a secret, as I didn?t know it either, where I will be in the near future.
Thousands of things happened during the last couple of months and now things are sorted out. Finally!! What am I doing here?!
Hmm ... good question! No ... Basically I am waiting for my new VISA (not the credit card!!) - therefore I needed a new passport and it was easier for everyone to get it back in Germany. Yeah ... Quite cool ... Sitting back home in Germany - it seems like nothing has happened so far. Living in the same apartment, driving the same car ... going to the same nightclubs! It feels good to be back, but wait - yes ... I am looking forward to go back to Singapore as well. This will happen on Sunday next week.
Before it gets too confusing, here a little explanation: I?ve quit my job from the consulting company in Sydney and will now join another company in Singapore. Why?! Hmm ... there are several reasons, but mainly because I was really sick of all this traveling and changing projects etc.
It might sound strange to a lot of people, but I am sure some of my former A** colleagues might be able to confirm that - it is over the time, a pain in the a** (hehe ... these letters again ... what a coincidence ;)) - You start a new project somewhere, you work hard and after 3 - 6 months you have to leave again. Of course you are able to see many places and discover exiting destinations, but in the end there is not that much to see there. I mean you spend most of the time in the office, hotel, airport or in taxis. We are not running around in the cities and doing all the sightseeing stuff. (If we find the time on the weekend we will of course do that, but during the week, we are normally happy, if we can leave the office after a 12 hrs day).
An old consultant joke (Actually it is no joke - it is reality!) is the fact, that people will ask you if you?ve taken half a day vacation because you are leaving at around 6 pm already. Of course I am over-exaggerating now, but lot of these facts are true.
I found myself trapped in a life, where I lost so many precious things and slowly forgot who I am and what I am doing. You don?t even know where you belong to. Life is not easy - but it always is, what you make out of it. I thought I was wasting my time, pretending to be important but in the end all you want is a bit of security.
I started to like Singapore a lot. It is such a convenient place and as done before (see all the other blog entries) the only fun & joy I had during the last couple of month was there. Not only because of Sheela, but also because I found friends there and have a proper life there. I can go to work and know where I will be in the next couple of months. What I will do and whom I have to work with.
Yeah yeah ... In the end I am happy, that my transfer worked out ok and I am able to look forward into a ?bit-of-a-new-life? now.
I have some trips planned and am able to ?only? concentrate on my work now.
On the other hand it is kind of a weird feeling as well. I am making all the decisions now and from today to tomorrow you are changing your whole life. I am not a kid anymore and the decisions you make nowadays are / or can be important ones. You grow older and of course you hear it all the time that with becoming older, you will also gain more and more responsibility ... but people realize way too late, which potential tail these decisions can have. We always want to be independent and mature - then we?ve reached that stage and we would want to have the holding hand again.
I made this experience in the last time and yes I have to admit, that some of my decisions were wrong or decided way before I thought about what is right or wrong. I hated it to see that my life is slipping out of control and I am only the participant, but not the actual driver ... Therefore I?d really like to thank my friends of giving me a lot of helpful hints and recommendations. Especially Vinnie & Irene for their never-ending effort & time to understand me and of course for their support.
This weekend was a quite good one... Birthday of my grandpa ... It is every year a big event, as the family will meet again at their place and then drink / eat & celebrate our honored guest. He turned 89 this year and is fit like my sport-shoe ... Amazing to see in which good mental and conditional shape he & my grandma is. I hope that I will have some of his genes in my blood and my grandson?s will write the same about me in 65 years.
I think that is enough for now ... I will have more to tell, once I've settled down in
Singapore. Give me another 4 - 5 weeks and I will write more!
I have some more pics of Sydney - Singapore - Dubai and of course Munich here ... but
without having a proper computer it is quite hard to upload them. Will do that later ...