Geeks ...
How true ...
I just found an article on the web about geeks and I have to admit some of it really mirror what I think and drives my motivation:
1. Geeks are curious. Let them feed their desire to learn things
I don?t know how much emphasis I can place on this point. You can take the ultimate geek?give them a rockin? compensation package?and give them ?rubber-stamped? projects (same tasks over and over) for two years and they?ll probably quit anyway. This point is based on the notion that if a geek feels his ability to gain knowledge is hindered he?ll try to find it somewhere else. Let them satisfy their curiosities with the task of picking up the latest technologies and applying them as they see fit. (Even if it?s just for a prototype.)
2. Geeks like to be self-sustaining. Let them figure things out on their own.
I haven?t met a true geek yet that wants you to hold their hand through every step of an implementation. In fact I?ve seen quite the opposite. They want to do things their way. If you suggest something, odds are the solution is wrong in their mind because it?s not what they would have come up with first. There?s many ways to complete a task in the technical arena, why cram your solution down their throats? Don?t hinder their creativity, just let them figure it out. The exception to this is probably in design. You obviously have to define your interfaces between components and have your requirements for the implementation. Let the details get figured out by whoever?s doing the dirty work. You can optimize things later if they aren?t up to par.
More can be found here:
geeks are nice people.
1:43 PM
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