Wenn Stephan eine Reise tut, dann meistens weit und lang! :) Und da er ja auf keinen Fall den Kontakt zu seinen lieben Freunden verlieren möchte, wird er seine Erfahrungen in diesem Blog mit den Daheimgebliebenen teilen...


Cirque du soleil - Additional entry

As I've mentioned before, I bought tickets for the 'Cirque du Soleil' here in Singapore - and finally 2 weeks ago, I was able to go there.

Let me try to describe it:
- A W E S O M E -
I think this is all I can say about it. For everyone who has the chance to watch it: I highly recommend it!

The whole show was about 2 1/2 hours - but as said in the advertisements: It was 'A journey into another world!' ...
Time passed by so fast and at the end you find yourself trying to process all the amazing things you've just seen.

Again - I am still amazed and if I get the chance to watch other shows - i will for sure go for it ;)
