Wenn Stephan eine Reise tut, dann meistens weit und lang! :) Und da er ja auf keinen Fall den Kontakt zu seinen lieben Freunden verlieren möchte, wird er seine Erfahrungen in diesem Blog mit den Daheimgebliebenen teilen...


Fish in the can ...

[location:Lounge@Kuala Lumpur Airport]

Good morning.
Another day in paradise? Hmm ... I wouldn't consider talking about the paradise - let's just call it life.
I am currently on my flight from Sydney to Singapore (back to work *suxxs*). I just realized, that I have a 3 hour stop over here, so I will have a lot of time, to write emails and in this case update my blog again ;)...

Where does the title come from?! Hmm ... Friends of mine will know, that I am a big fan of planes / airports and everything around it. So I do like flying and discovering new sights & countries. Nevertheless, I so often feel like a little 'fish in a big, big can'.
You are sitting there, waiting; reading; watching movies and in the end just waiting for the time to pass by.

Everything above 4 hrs flight-time is - what I consider a pain. You are stuck in this little seat - going crazy when the children / babies are crying in front of you and force your mind not to think about the depressing tightness around you. *welcome_claustrophobia* ...

Nevertheless, I have to admit, that my flight last night was really good. I was out with a colleague for some drinks and had to hurry up to catch my flight. During check in they told me that there was a plane change and we will be on a 777-200 instead of a 747-400. (As a true plane fanatic, I was of course a bit dissapointed) ... So I got on the plane and it was propably the newest plane I've ever seen. Wow ... It was also the first time for me to discover the so called 'sky beds'. That is really nice. The seat turns into a bed (ok ok ... there is still a bit of an upright angle left, but I had no problems at all to sleep there)
In seat entertainment system was great and up2date. Flight crew, food and service was really very good. It was indeed more than I've expected. It is a reason for me to fly - commerical Advertisment: Malaysian Airlines - again.

So here I am ... waiting for my next flight and watching CNN where they show the pictures of all the destroyed houses in USA from the hurricane.

That's all for now ...
